Mouth Guards – They’re not just a “hockey” thing!


Trauma to the mouth is always difficult for both adults and children. It is especially upsetting when an accidental injury causes a tooth or a child’s tooth to become chipped or knocked loose.

Injuries like these are often preventable if a properly fitted mouth guard is worn. Mouth guards are not mandatory equipment in all sports but their worth is indisputable.

As dentists we see too many oral and facial injuries to children and teens that might have been prevented by the use of a mouth guard. Even adults are not immune to the dangers of mouth injuries. Dentists treat many trauma injuries in weekend athletes. Fact is, facial injuries in nearly every sport can result in damage to your teeth, lips, cheeks or tongue.

Whatever your age or sporting interests, mouth guards are an important part of sports safety and they should be a part of every athlete’s gear. They cushion blows to the teeth that could otherwise result in injury or even complete loss of a tooth.

Custom Mouth Guards


Do what you can to protect your family’s smiles and preserve their oral health. See your dentist for a custom-made mouth guards. A mouth guard is especially important if a person wears a fixed dental appliances such as braces or bridgework. Custom mouth guards are professionally designed by the dentist from a cast model of your own teeth.

Because they are designed to cover all back teeth and cushion the entire jaw, they can prevent concussions caused by blows to the chin. They fit securely in the mouth and do not interfere with speech or breathing.

Although inexpensive, ready-made commercial mouth guards made of rubber or polyvinyl can be purchased at many sporting goods stores, they are the least effective in affording protection.

Whether the sport of choice is football, hockey, skiing, cycling, roller blading, skate boarding or baseball; it’s better to play it safe than face a devastating and painful oral injury.

Remember to keep your mouth guard in top shape by rinsing it with water or mouth wash after each use, and allowing it to air dry. With proper care, it should last the length of the season or longer.

Yours for better dental health,

Dr. Arvind Kataria D.D.S.